eLearnGift offers an exciting range of over 200 online language learning courses, for fun and personal development.
Learn from a selection of over 200 courses, with popular languages like Spanish, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Mandarin and many more.
To search for and purchase an online language learning course, please refer to the video below:
1) Firstly, you will need to create an Account
2) Scroll down to Discover all our brands and select eLearnGift
3) Click on Book and Redeem
4) Under the eLearning Courses tab, click Search
5) Under Products, click eLanguage
6) Select a language learning course from the search results
7) Enter your personal information
8) Accept Terms and Conditions and click Continue to payment
9) Review your order to check language and duration of access are correct
10) Enter Payment Details: if you are using a TripGift® eGift card code, enter this into the Gift and Redemption Code box and click Submit. Enter the amount you wish to spend and click Submit again. The balance total will be updated at the bottom of the page. If you are using a second TripGift® eGift card, follow the same process
11) For any remaining balance, enter your card details into the 3rd Party Payment Method and click Pay now
12) You will shortly receive a booking confirmation with a clickable link and code to access to your eLearning course